The break down on the committee is as follows
Marty Perlaky, LPDC Chairperson, handles SHS general ed IPDPs, is a signer for re-licensure
Kelly Kahmann handles SMS general ed IPDPs and is responsible for all tuition reimbursement approvals (**all tuition reimbursement forms go to the supers office first they send them to Kelly)
Jennifer Mercer handles all elementary general ed IPDP's and is a signer for re-licensure
Nelle Ratliff handles all admin IPDP's
Hilary Steinmiller handles all special ed IPDP's district wide
All correspondence with the LPDC should be done through this email sls-lpdc@springfield-schools.org
Check your license to see when it expires
If you are new to SLS or if you received a new license you must turn in a new IPDP before any professional development can count
All tuition reimbursement paper work goes to Cheri Casper/Mr. Geha
IPDPs: submit online to sls-lpdc@springfield-schools.org
Information/Meeting Dates
All meetings will be held at 4:00 pm at SHS in Room A-120. Anyone wishing to meet earlier than 4:00 can do so by appointment. The LPDC Meeting dates for the 2024-25 School Year are: TBA.