2023-2024 Schedule

Monday through Friday

Five half days per week

Morning Session: 8:40 - 11:25 am

Afternoon Session: 12:45 - 3:30 pm

Preschool classes will not meet if there is a delayed start or early dismissal in Springfield Local Schools.

2024-2025 School Year Information

There are two preschool classrooms at each of the Springfield Elementary School buildings; Crissey, Dorr, and Holloway.


Parents or guardians may submit a request to enroll their child in preschool for the 2024-2025 school year at their neighborhood school (as defined by school district boundaries) by completing the electronic form linked below. Requests for enrollment in other buildings will not be accepted.



After the intake form is submitted, an invitation to enroll in the preschool program or status on the preschool waiting list will be sent via email to a parent/guardian. When preschool classrooms are full, and no longer able to enroll additional students, the intake form becomes a waiting list. Enrollment will then be offered to families on a first come first serve basis as openings become available at their neighborhood school.


* If you have concerns with any aspect of your child's development and would like to discuss services offered by the school district or an evaluation, please contact the preschool director at 419-867-5796 or reginasulier@springfield-schools.org

* Please note that tuition is assessed, on a sliding scale based on income, for general education preschoolers to attend school in Springfield. Please see the information that is linked to the right which provides details about preschool tuition.
